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Secondary School Curriculum
Secondary School Curriculum
Our approach to teaching and learning is to cultivate a love of learning, and where the development of each student is based on the principle of ‘personal best’.
The School's academic program is based on the TGS Teaching and Learning Framework. In this framework we focus on pedagogy, enhancing the development of our professional teaching staff through a model of reflection and improvement, and focusing on the traits of our learners. We work with students in developing their study skills as well as identifying their strengths and weaknesses in self-regulation in order to improve their learner practices.
Student growth in these areas has resulted in large numbers of students across the school being recognised with Pro Diligentia and Pro Summa Diligentia Awards for their work ethic. We also recognise outstanding academic performance through Cum Laude Awards and Speech Day prizes.
Middle School (Years 7-9)
The Middle School aims to provide an exciting and dynamic experience of schooling for students in Years 7, 8 and 9.
Middle schooling is an educational approach that better caters for the physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive needs of young people. It bridges the divide between primary and secondary education by extending students in this middle phase, equipping them with the skills to become independent learners and successful citizens in this new and ever-changing world.
Townsville Grammar School is committed to best-practice middle schooling through an approach to teaching and learning that is student-centred, authentic, collaborative, developmental, and challenging.
Literacy and Numeracy
The development of literacy and numeracy across all core subject areas is a key focus of the Middle School curriculum. Our dedicated teachers work collaboratively in teams and regularly attend professional development initiatives to ensure our curriculum delivery is relevant and responsive to adolescent culture and trends. The core subjects on offer in our Middle School include the following:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities
- Physical Education
- Future Ready Skills
The curriculum offers students opportunity to engage in:
- Music
- Design Technologies
- Visual Art
- Digital Technologies
- Drama
- Modern Languages (Japanese and French) or Literacy Support
- Business Studies
Laptop Program & BYOD Policy
Townsville Grammar School supports a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) platform for students. BYOD enables students to use personal devices including, but not limited to, laptops, tablets, notebooks and smart phones with browsing capabilities to connect to the School’s network, access resources and connect to the School’s Internet and Learning Management Platform. Laptops and desktop computers are available for use in the Middle School. Each classroom is equipped with a data projector and wireless internet access. With the support of a specialist IT-Aide, all Middle School teachers are able to integrate technology into curriculum planning and pedagogy.
Future Ready Skills
Preparing our students for the new world is the priority to ensure they become equipped to take their place in the community. The Future Ready Skills program is the result of significant planning and research over two years and is driven by the aim of inspiring our young people to develop a great love for discovery today, so that they can live life with purpose and passion tomorrow.
The Future Ready Skills subject is a core subject for our Middle School students that is an innovative and authentic learning opportunity to develop critical and creative thinking along with collaborative skills. This will equip them to solve real-world problems and challenges. The explicit teaching of these skills is a pivotal part of the learning opportunity.
Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing
Positive Education forms the framework of the Middle School Pastoral Care and Well-being Program. Positive Education is about making students aware of their own character strengths and to educate them about how to use them in everyday circumstances so they can thrive at School and in life. Form Teachers spend considerable time each week engaging students and educating them on the language of Positive Education as well as conducting activities so they can maximise their own wellbeing.
Middle School Pastoral Care is supported by the School’s Pastoral Care Charter. The Charter provides a reference point for all staff and students in the School and describes the values we believe in and aspire to achieve.
A common thread linking our core curriculum, pastoral care and education values is a philosophical approach to behaviour management known as ‘Restorative Practices’. Restorative Practices enables students to explore harm that has been caused in conflict situations and to find common solutions for a positive way forward. This approach is effective in providing students with the skills required to resolve conflict situations and develop positive relationships.
The Middle School has specific responsibility for the educational well-being of all students in the Middle School ensuring operational processes of the Middle School Precinct are aligned with best-practice delivery models.
The Head of School (North Ward Campus) is supported by a Year 7 Year Level Co-ordinator and Heads of House to deliver effective pastoral care to all students.
The Director of Curriculum has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of curriculum in the Middle School and is supported by a curriculum team that consists of the Year 7 Year Level Co-ordinator, subject specific Curriculum Leaders, the Head of Teaching and Learning and the Careers Advisor.
The Middle School Teachers, the Pastoral Care Team and the Curriculum Team work collaboratively to ensure a student-centred approach to teaching and learning and an educational philosophy that is built upon high expectations and high support.
Senior School (Years 10-12)
Students from Years 10-12 form the Senior School.
Since its foundation, the cornerstone of Townsville Grammar School has been to provide the best academic facility for students in North Queensland.
The Senior School curriculum caters for a wide range of needs, from those aiming at university entrance to those seeking a school-based apprenticeship.
When choosing a tertiary pathway, students have the opportunity to take either the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) to be eligible for an ATAR score, or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme which provides an internationally recognised IB score.
Consistently leading academic outcomes for Year 12 students is testament to the culture of learning in the school.
Above all, the School encourages students to become self motivated and self disciplined learners.
International Baccalaureate Diploma
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is available for students in Years 11 and 12, as an alternative to the QCAA program. Learn more.
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