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ATAR Results 2023

Posted date: 15 December 2023
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Congratulations to our Class of 2023 on your outstanding academic results:


  • Highest score - 43 (out of highest possible score 45). Congratulations to Sabeer Nayyar (43) and Evangelos Yiallourides (42)
  • 16.7% of students received scores of 40+
  • Average subject score - 5 (out of 7)


  • Top ATAR – 99.95 Saachi Hira
  • Median ATAR 90.6
  • 5.2% received 99+
  • 26.8% received 95+
  • 50.5% received 90+
  • 86.6% received 80+

Two students received 100% for their subjects:

  • Saachi Hira (English)
  • Phillipa Dowling (Physics)

Students attaining an ATAR more than 99:

  • Saachi Hira
  • Phillipa Dowling
  • Freya Boggild
  • Sienna Caniato
  • Maher Zulfiquer

"Our Year 12 students have achieved some outstanding academic results and they should feel a great sense of pride in how hard they have worked throughout their senior years. Their diligence, attitude and cohesion as a cohort has been impressive, and they are very deserving of these outcomes. We wish all of our Year 12 students the very best as they embark on their future pathways. Bonus Intra Melior Exi."

- Tim Kelly, Principal

Bonus Intra Melior Exi
North Ward Campus

45 Paxton Street
North Ward Qld 4810

4722 4900

(Years 7-12 Day & Boarding)

Annandale Campus

1 Brazier Drive
Annandale Qld 4814

4412 4800

(Pre-Prep to Year 6)

North Shore Campus

North Shore Boulevard
Burdell Qld 4818

4412 6600

(Pre-Prep to Year 6)