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Modern Languages

Modern Languages

The study of Modern Languages focuses on the communicative function of the languages in a cultural context.

Effective participation in foreign language courses offers students the potential to acquire knowledge and skills to communicate at a basic level in a foreign language, and to extend an understanding of the diversity of linguistic and cultural differences.

Languages offered to students from Years 7 to 12 are:

  • French
  • Japanese
  • Ab Initio Spanish is offered as part of the International Baccalaureate Program (Year 11 & 12) as well as French and Japanese at a standard level.

Students  begin their Modern Languages studies in Year 7 and are able to continue their language studies through to Year 12.

Students of French and Japanese participate in regional speech competitions throughout the year, providing an opportunity for individual students to perform in a public forum.

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are offered the opportunity of joining the biennial educational tour to the target country of the language they have chosen to study. 

Students are encouraged to continue their language studies in Years 10, 11 and 12 because of the many advantages it offers: enhancing literacy in English, developing culturally sensitive attitudes and tolerance towards other peoples of the world, accessing opportunities for student exchanges as a school or post-school option and long-term, accessing a lucrative and fulfilling career. ATAR bonus points, awarded by some tertiary institutions to students who complete Year 12 with a passing grade, are evidence of the high academic level attained by students studying an additional language.

Learn more | Download the Subject Handbook or contact our Head of Faculty:

Mrs Marlene Barrett
Head of Faculty - Modern Languages

Bonus Intra Melior Exi
North Ward Campus

45 Paxton Street
North Ward Qld 4810

4722 4900

(Years 7-12 Day & Boarding)

Annandale Campus

1 Brazier Drive
Annandale Qld 4814

4412 4800

(Pre-Prep to Year 6)

North Shore Campus

North Shore Boulevard
Burdell Qld 4818

4412 6600

(Pre-Prep to Year 6)